Diseases - the lesser known root cause
Health, wellness and diseases are extensively researched topics. There is so much that is know and yet there are so many who continue to stay sick. Somewhere something is missing. The purpose of this article shed light on this gap.
We all have heard the term “listen to your body” on many occasions. It is as commonly used as “don’t take stress”. But are we really able to listen to our body or not take stress when advised to do so? There is a lot of benefit in the act of listening to our body, but at the same time it is not as straightforward as it sounds. It is a very poorly understood and very rarely implemented. We are not equipped to genuinely listen to our body. Part of the problem is that we are trained to look outwards for answers.
Our body holds the highest form of intelligence. It exactly knows how to respond to an injury or illnesses. It knows what is right and wrong for its well-being. The problem is that we humans have a free will and we can choose to not act according to our bodies intelligence. The invisible threads which are a function of our subconscious are also responsible for our actions.
Diseases thrive when we are disconnected from our body’s intelligence.
To understand our equation with our body’s intelligence, let’s imagine our body, our mind and us as three different entities.
Now how do we get disconnected from our body?
Here are few examples -
A baby falls down and starts crying. The caregiver rushes to tell the baby not to cry and distracts her. Baby learns that my body’s response to cry and soothe myself is not correct. The first steps towards disconnecting from our body’s intelligence is taken.
An overweight child is ridiculed by his friends and family. The shame and embarrassment is too much to handle for a young child. He disconnects from his body to find his peace. It’s a survival mechanism.
A pre-teen boy loves to draw flowers and sing and be very artistic. He sees his peers playing intensive sports and being loud. He hides his soft side because of the fear that he will be called girly. He disconnects from his body and pretends to be rough and boyish.
A young girl is inappropriately touched by her male friend. There is force without her consent. The young girl is unable to process the shame, guilt and anger by herself disconnects from her body to find her sanity.
A young man in his early twenties is stressed due to a high demanding new job. He wants to prove himself and climb up on the ladder. His body signals him to find rest and relaxation. But he continues to work tirelessly. His body continues to give signals. He disconnects from his body, uses easy and quick means like junk food, alcohol etc. to find comfort.
A new mom has gone through a whirlwind physically, emotionally and hormonally to deliver her beautiful child. Her psychological landscape has become vulnerable surfacing her old wounds from her past. The sleepless nights and the desire to be a perfect parent is taking a toll on her. Modern single family structures are making it hard for her to get the much needed rest for restoration. She disconnects from her body and works tirelessly towards raising her perfect child.
When we get viral infections our body develops fever to fight the virus, it starts coughing to force out the foreign elements out of our lungs, it suppresses our appetite so our bodies energies can be focused on fighting the infection. But instead of letting our body fight, we use fever reducers, cough suppressants and confuse our system. We even eat hard to digest comfort food to lift up our moods.
Accidents, shocking experiences, yelling, loss of a family member etc. also disconnects us from our body. Disassociating from our body’s sensations and pain is the most common trauma response. That is how we shield our mind and conscious from the unbearable hurt.
When a pregnant mother experiences grief, her super absorbent fetus will absorb the emotions. This trauma can make the baby disconnect from body in the womb itself.
There are just a few common examples where we shut down our bodies' innate intelligence which could easily reverse the damage in the moment.
As we continue disregarding our bodies intelligence, in a few years we start noticing symptoms like fatigue, high blood pressure, headaches, IBS, kidney stones, inability to lose weight etc. All along our body’s have tried to talk to us but we did not listen. Now our body is tired. It needs help. It is overworked and some of it has stopped functioning optimally.
Our doctor visits increase. We take pills, try diets, supplements etc. If we are lucky our diagnosis is not life threatening and we can focus on ourselves to recover.
But the journey to recovery looks long and hard. The pills don’t work as effectively. Diets are hard and not sustainable. We miss living a normal life.
All along we are advised to not take stress, to relax, change your lifestyle, eat healthy, exercise etc. All of which are very useful and required.
But very few are advised to start connecting to their body, to start aligning with the highest intelligence that is present inside of them, to start releasing and removing the layers of unhealthy beliefs and memories that are diminishing their access to their intelligence.
The road to lifelong health and vitality starts by connecting to our body. Giving it the honor, attention, love and acceptance that it needs.
Appetite and cravings is the biggest indicator of your connection to your body. How often do you listen to your body before eating?
Second indicator is the child in you. Can you dance, express and be creative like a child? How connected are you with the child in you?
When we are in nature and we allow ourselves to be absorbed in its bounty, beauty and wonder we are aligned in our mind, body and spirit. Would you allow your self to be a free bird while taking nature walks? If you are holding yourself back, you are disconnected.
Surrendering to our body could feel like we are losing control and we don’t like to lose control. But it us just a perception and when we align with our body’s intelligence, we prosper.
But there is no switch that we can flip to connect to your body. Like there is no switch that can help us not take stress. It is a journey and a process of unlearning and learning.
I hope you walk on this path sooner rather than later. Our body is always trying to get our attention. If you don’t listen to our body, one day it will put its foot down. When our body puts its foot down, we will be walking out of the doctor's office with a big diagnosis of a disease. Let that day not arrive. Let’s take action now.
There is so much that can be done to help us connect with our bodies. It is a topic for another blog. I am walking this path and I am more than happy to advise anyone who is curious to know more.
Email me for a free tapping audio that will help you get started on the journey.
I hope you dance!